Beginning in May, UniCredit Bulbank will replace its existing Visa Debit and Visa Gold Debit cards with new generation cards made of 84% eco-friendly materials. The initiative is being implemented in Bulgaria in collaboration with Visa.
Plastic debit cards, once expired, can contribute to plastic waste problems by ending up in landfills and waterways.
“This will not be the case for our debit cards in Bulgaria thanks to UniCredit Bulbank’s collaboration with Visa to provide biodegradable cards to its employees and customers. As a leader in the banking sector, we are delighted to be able to offer debit cards made of eco-friendly materials. UniCredit Bulbank’s ambition to be a sustainable company is a two-way process. On the one hand, the entire bank team is strongly committed to sustainable business management and the search for innovative solutions that will allow us to do so. On the other hand, we believe in the commitment of our clients to ESG transformation, and by joining our efforts, together we will achieve a greener and more sustainable future for all”, commented Tsvetanka Mincheva, Chief Executive Officer of UniCredit Bulbank.