Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Indian banks should strive to be among the top 10 banks in the world. Spaking at the ‘Gyan Sangam’, the first conclave of public sector bank CEOs, Modi said banks in fact reflect the health of a country’s economy and cited Japan and China whose banks are ranked among the top 10 in the world. The prime minister also assured the bank chiefs that the government would never interfere in the intrnal working of the banks as his government feels the banks should be professionally run without government or any other interference. The two-day conclave saw all the chiefs of public sector banks attending along with finance minister Arun Jaitley and RBI governor Raghuram Rajan. The intention of the meeting was to create roadmap for banking sector and the bank chiefs made presentations to the prime minister.The prime minister told the banks to be proactive in helping the people in need and put an end to lackadaisical attitude. Public sector banks have urged the government to give them more freedom in engaging manpower and deciding on salaries and other benefits.