Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) opened its 84th branch office in Bahadurgarh in Haryana. N.K. Maini, deputy managing director, inaugurated the branch. SIDBI feels the branch will meet the credit requirement of MSMEs in Bahadurgarh and nearby areas. Besides Chandigarh, SIDBI has 3 Offices in Haryana state to meet the coninuous demand from various industries and industry associations. Maini said SIDBI has been playing a proactive role in the development and financing of MSME sector in the country and in its silver jubilee year (2015) it would further strengthen its interaction with the MSME sector to better understand their needs to provide optimal solutions and opening a branch at Bahadurgarh is a step in that direction. The program was attended by about 100 participants comprising office bearers of industry associations, industralists, bankers and government officials. Manoj Mittal, general manager, SIDBI, New Delhi region , while welcoming the participants, assured them to provide best of class services and give a new experience to the MSME units at Bahadurgarh.