The Reserve Bank of India is automating the process of handling of complaints received by it and is planning to set up a state of the art Complaint Management System (CMS). The application software will be hosted at the RBI’s data center and DR site. It now proposes to engage a consultant to advise it on this. The selected consultant will in the first phase, do an exhaustive study of user requirements and based on the requirements, suggest whether any off-the-shelf software is available which, (with minimum modifications can be procured to meet the requirements. If an off-the-shelf system is not available the consultant would undertake the process of developing a new IT System for testing and implementation. The consultancy would involve the study of the existing compliant tracking system package and implementation and roll-out of the new CMS, which is expected to be an online platform with user interfaces with access capabilities at various locations across the country and also for the general public.