The State Bank of India has announced several initiatives and campaigns for its customers and employees to mark its 66th foundation day on 1 July 2021. The bank has introduced a musical logo (MOGO), launched a visual campaign dedicated to its 450 million customers and unveiled its familiar tagline ‘The banker to every Indian’, with a refreshing look. MOGO expresses the key emotions and feelings of a brand that is referred to as ‘The banker to Every Indian’. The melodic tune sounds as warm and harmonious whilst underpinning the scale and expanse of a forward-looking SBI. The bank has also launched a thematic brand campaign, ‘I am the “I” in SBI’. The tagline of Bank has also been re-launched in a fresh avatar – ‘The banker to every Indian’ – making it new and contemporary by giving ethnic twist in the very word ‘Indian’ is presented. There is also an anthem, ‘Hum Saath Hai’, talking about the bank and its journey and its contributions to nation building.