Neeraj Chopra, the Indian gold medal winner at the recently concluded Tokyo Olympics, is the latest celebrity added by the RBI as its brand ambassador. RBI has contracted Neeraj Chopra as its brand ambassador for a public awareness campaign, warning people against frauds in digital banking domain. And assuming the responsibility Neeraj has in a 25-seecond video message cautioned people to be alert while making online transactions. He is seen saying in Hindi: “RBI says not to share your OTP, CVV, ATM pin with anybody. Change your online banking passwords, pin numbers from time to time. If you lose your ATM card, credit card and prepaid card, then immediately get it blocked. RBI says, be informed, stay alert.”
An RBI Tweet reads as follows:
.@RBI Kehta Hai…
Along with @Neeraj_chopra1
A little caution takes care of a lot of trouble.
Never respond to requests to share PIN, OTP or bank account details.
Block your card if stolen, lost or compromised.
#rbikehtahai #StaySafe #BeAware #BeSecure #Tokyo2020