The Reserve Bank of India is planning to introduce a mobile app to help visually challenged people in identifying currency notes. The RBI feels there is need for such an app to help visually challenged persons since cash transactions are still a major mode of transactions. At present, there is a system whereby such people can identify notes – Intaglio printing based identification – but this is only present in banknotes of Rs 100 and above denominations. A press release by the central bank said has been sensitive to the challenges faced by the visually challenged in conducting their day to day business with Indian banknotes. The proposed mobile app would be able to identify the denomination of notes of Mahatma Gandhi Series and Mahatma Gandhi (New) series by capturing the image of the notes placed in front of mobile camera. The app will also generate ‘audio notification’ intimating the currency note denomination to the user if image is captured correctly, else intimating the user to try again in case of image is not readable.