HDFC Life has launched Ezra, the Google Assistant bot. Ezra is the latest addition to the company’s family of digital assistants. Ezra has cutting-edge capabilities like dynamic query processing and natural language processing, which are critical to producing a human experience. It offers intelligent services like handling of dynamic queries and offering insights into policies. The bot can successfully answer more than 200 queries. Customers can access Ezra through the Google Assistant-supported devices by saying ‘Talk to HDFC Life’ followed by setting up their account through a secure authentication process. Once the account is linked, the customer can ask various policy-related queries including requesting services such as fund statement, premium receipt, or policy soft copy. Parvez Mulla, Chief Operating Officer, HDFC Life, said the company has seen high adoption of technology-based solutions by policyholders. Ezra, he said, offers intelligent and personalized query processing for policy-related questions.