HDFC Bank launched its Secure Banking program at Surat. The program is an initiative to make customers aware of the matters they need to be careful about while conducting banking transactions; be it using a cheque, transacting at ATMs, using debit or credit cards at POS terminals, merchant outlets and online banking. The program will be rolled out across 27 branches in Surat and the surrounding areas to educate customers and create awareness. The program includes a presentation that touches upon various aspects of banking touch points for customer, from cheque to branches, from ATMs to online banking. At the branches in Surat, a series of workshops will be held where customers and non-customers will be invited to be part of the pogram. Apart from the workshops at branches, various other channels like ATM screens, mobile banking, and the HDFC Bank website will be used to spread the message of Secure Banking to customers. Thomson Jose, zonal head of the bank, said the program educates customers about the dos and don’ts, they must follow while using these platforms. The simple measures illustrated during the workshop will help customers minimise any risk of compromise of their personal data, he added.