Future Generali India Life Insurance Company launched a special late fees waiver campaign, ‘Revival Time’, for the benefit of their existing customers. This move will help reinstate the customers lapsed policies and revive their financial plans. Through this move customers can pay the outstanding premium and receive a late fee waiver for up to Rs 2000 for receipting done till 31 March 2019. The campaign is currently underway and will continue till the end of the month. This offer is valid for all lapsed policies under the revival period; however, it is subject to certain underwriting rules and company policies. The company has also enabled multiple payment options for the policyholder’s convenience. Customers can pay online through the company’s website, Paytm, BillDesk, PayUBiz, UPI and JioMoney. S. Mahesh, executive vice president and head – Operations of the company, said ‘Revival Time’ has been introduced to provide an opportunity for the customers to renew their life insurance policy with a late fee waiver.