Federal Bank, which has come out with an innovative product – FedBook Selfie, a mobile app for account opening – has been innovative in marketing the product. The bank is using a mix of search, social media and electronic media in order to reach out to all those who have a smart phone. More importantly, the bank has been focusing its efforts to have a communication/engagement with prospective customers via the social media. The bank says it adopted this approach because the product is more relevant to those who are accustommed to the digital world. The bank has two campaign hashtags – #FedBookSelfie & #FederalBankDIY – which have made to the national trend list with the latter receiving an overwhelming response. The bank launched ‘#FedBookSelfie’ on 25 August to promote the exclusive digi-films and this trended among the Top 5 in the National Trend List of Twitter for close to 2 hours. ‘#FederalBankDIY’ was a Twitter based contest launched on 31 August) linking the DIY and Selfie concept of the app with the contest. This trended at the very top in the National Trend list of Twitter right on top at #1 for close to 6 hours.