Breaking the traditional advertising norm in the banking space, DBS Bank India has launched what is described as the industry’s first love story – ‘Chilli Paneer’. In an attempt to engage with the consumers and build brand awareness, the bank has rolled out an innovative campaign where the story of Chilli Paneer will unfold every Friday at 11 am on the website The story revolves around purpose, relationship and connectivity. The movie, starring Tilottama Shome and directed by National Award-winning director Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, is a story about food, love, dreams and the seamless integration of banking into our lives. Speaking at the launch of the campaign, Sheran Mehra, head – Group Strategic Marketing & Communications at DBS Bank India said the bank constantly strives to innovate and take an ‘outside-in’ view. It all started with following the chatters. This led us to discover that food, travel, cricket, and Bollywood, to name a few are instant conversation starters. Food, emerged as the most popular choice, as it cuts across geographies and segments. We further included elements of Bollywood and integrated our products and services in the story line.