It is not an easy task to apprise the board about technology and especially so when the issue is cyber risks. With a threat landscape that is constantly changing and cyber criminals changing their methods so frequently, the job of the CISO has become enviable. And one of their main hurdles is to speak about the threat perceptions with the CXOs and the board and convince them. To get them on to the same page, it is important that the CISOs speak the same language – talk more about the impact that a cyberattack will bring on the business rather than the technology behind the attack and the one the company need to implement. If a CISO can give the CXO or the board good data about exposure, they can relate that to the possible threat.
Cybersecurity company Tenable, a leader in vulnerability risk management, has created a benchmark for CISOs in their approach to convince the CXOs or the board on the cyberthreat perceptions.