ING Vysya Bank and MasterCard has jointly launched UEFA Champions League themed debit cards. This is the first time that an Indian bank has launched an official UEFA Champions League branded debit card. A series of six new UEFA Champions League themed debit card designs will be added to the existing image gallery of over 50 card designs the bank offers to its customers. MasterCard and ING have been engaging Indian football enthusiasts since 2010. As part of a regular contest, several of the bank customers have travelled to Europe to watch live matches. This year too, the bank along with MasterCard, has announced the contest to select six winners to watch a UEFA Champions League match live in Europe. Brett Morgan, country head – Branch Banking & Private Clients, of the bank, said the bank’s customers are using their debit card to shop more often than before, ” and to make it more exciting we launched the ‘My Card – My Style’ customized image cards and guaranteed rewards. The limited edition UEFA Champions League debit card in partnership with MasterCard, is aimed at football fans who live and breathe football.”