The State Bank of India has launched Grow Everyday, a recruitment initiative to create awareness among the youth about career opportunities at SBI. According to the bank, the purpose of this initiative is to raise awareness among the bright young minds and encourage them to apply for building a promising career with the bank. As first step towards this goal, bank has launched a brand new career website which captures its value proposition comprehensively, the bank said. SBI chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya said the career website will allow everyone to scan through the jobs and spread the word that here is an organization which is the only Fortune 500 Bank in India which will give diverse opportunities to work in teams and to lead.
The bank has commenced its managerial recruitment drive for the current financial year with an announcement to hire 2200 probationary officers. Earlier in April, the bank has issued advertisements for recruiting 13,700 people in non-managerial cadre.