RBS India, in collaboration with prominent industry leaders, had organised the first ‘WomenInTech’ (WiT) Growth Summit in New Delhi. The summit featured over 1000 women participating in a carefully curated series of sessions, masterclasses, and mentorship classes by over 150 leaders. The Summit saw participation of over 100 STEM organisations which discussed the current and impending disruptions that are shaping the industry and presented an opportunity for women in this sector. Lynne Highway, HR Director, Services & Functions at the bank, said RBS India has formed a powerful partnership with other organizations committed to increasing the number of women in STEM careers at events like the WiT growth Summit. These events, along with strategic interventions across the industry will have a great impact in empowering more women to take up STEM careers and leadership positions, he added. Anuranjita Kumar, MD and head of International Hubs, RBS and chairperson WiT, said the technology industry has 3 times more male engineers to females, owing to various challenges in the sector. WiT was set up with a mission to break through these barriers to enable and empower women to thrive in STEM careers. WiT was constructed as a collaborative platform to ensure it is scalable and replicable for widespread adoption and nationwide impact. From a forum of 15 members and a target of positively impacting 100,000 girl students, today the initiative has over 150 members and has already impacted 220,000 females in India with chapters in Delhi, Bengaluru, Pune, and Chennai.