Union Minister of State (MoS) for Finance Bhagwat Karad released an e-book titled ‘Pratidhwani’ at an event organized by the income tax department.
Karad stated that the department has been able to reinvent itself by embracing positive changes in order to provide quality and timely services to taxpayers, such as the implementation of the Annual Information System (AIS), instant PAN allotment (e-PAN), and faceless assessment. He lauded the department for its achievements in establishing an effective, transparent, and fair tax administration, which has resulted in revenue collection marked by sustainable growth and efficient taxpayer services. Pratidhwani will be a souvenir to the nation, showcasing policy initiatives and changes in the income tax department, and the growth of the nation.
Sangeeta Singh, CBDT Chairperson, recalled how taxpayers have contributed to nation building. The department will continue to engage constructively with taxpayers and communicate effectively in order to build trust with them, she said.