Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is launching its own satellite -BRIsat – at 03:30 am local Jakarta time on 9 June 2016 in Kourou (French Guiana), according to the bank president Asmawi Syam. The satellite will cost $ 250 million for the bank. Indonesia being an archipelago, satellite is more efficient than fiber optic, the bank feels. According to the bank, the satellite will save its operational costs for its communication network, curtail connection problems in its network across the archipelago and make banking services available in remote areas of the country. The bank estimates that BRIsat will save about IDR 200 billion (approx. $ 15 million) per year after the BRIsat becomes operational. Asmawi Syam said the launch is a milestone, not only for BRI but for the global banking industry as BRI will become the first bank to operate its own communications satellite. BRIsat will have 45 transponders, four of which will be used by Indonesia’s telecommunication ministry. After the launch it will take about 50 days before the satellite is ready for use in the orbit above Papua (orbital position at 150.5° East). The satellite is estimated to have a 17-year lifespan.